A small convenience feature, to start/stop NT services.
<!-- Restart W3SVC --> <service serviceName="w3svc" command='isInstalled' outTo='installed' /> <print>Service is ${=$installed?'installed':'not installed'}</print> <if isTrue='${installed}'> <service serviceName="w3svc" command='stop' /> <print>Stopping</print> <service serviceName="w3svc" command='waitForStopped' /> <print>Stopped</print> <service serviceName="w3svc" command='start' /> <print>Starting</print> <service serviceName="w3svc" command='waitForRunning' /> <print>Done</print> </if>
<!-- Wait for 5 seconds, then for 3 more seconds, then print the elapsed time (should be around 8 seconds if my math is right) --> <timer format="elapsed" outTo="tm"> <print newline='false'>Waiting for 5 seconds... </print> <sleep timeout='00:00:05' /> <print newline='false'>Almost ...</print> <sleep timeout='3000' /> <print>Done!</print> </timer> <print>Elapsed: ${tm}</print>